Before quantitative easing ends, investors need to anticipate what rising interest rates will do to their portfolios especially if they are close to retirement and have a good chunk of their savings in bonds.
Fifty-five percent of those who think the PPACA has changed their retirement benefits plans said they are spending less on retirement benefits and shifting costs to workers.
As part of the transaction, Manning & Napier will acquire three alternative investment product track records and add personnel with investment expertise in managed futures,
Government agencies need to find new ways to encourage workers to remain in their jobs longer so that the massive wave of baby boomer retirements doesnt overwhelm the system.
The Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association has developed a list of eight frequently asked questions to help plan sponsors decide if automatic features are right for their plan.
The gap between what state governments have promised employees in pension benefits and the funding to meet those obligations widened to $914 billion at the end of 2012.