Professional athletes are often targeted by people who want to take advantage of their good fortune. The NFL's registry of advisors hopes to prevent that.
The National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems has petitioned California Governor Edmund Brown to sign into law a bill that would allow small businesses to participate in a group retirement savings plan.
ASPPA and CIKR wrote a letter to the Treasury Department asking them to increase the standard corrections available for retirement plans that offer automatic enrollment but fail to automatically enroll people in the plan.
Nearly two-thirds of private industry workers had access to a retirement plan in March 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and 48 percent of workers with access to a plan chose to participate.
Traditional life insurance is not the primary business of many companies in the life/health insurance industry, being outpaced by more retirement-focused annuities instead.
Baby Boomers spend more of their income on education and on their adult children and not on their retirement accounts, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis.