A little caution in reducing bond durations now may pay off in the years ahead in terms of better portfolio returns, as well as clients confidence in being prepared for a new era of rising rates.
Debt in collection, obligations that are more than 180 days past due, is a staggering national problem, with 35.1% of U.S. credit files in this category.
Has the SEC killed MMMFs? Not exactly. A decade ago, MMMFs were rewarding cash-generators. But long before the SEC voted, MMMFs had been reduced to a utility.
Social Security start-date counseling is a valuable client service and a golden opportunity to learn more about your clients perspectives on retirement.
As the cost of assisted living facilities and nursing homes keeps rising, the option of bringing long-term care services into the home keeps getting more attractive.
Those who listened to good planning advice and prepared for potential changes ahead of the crowd were able to mitigate losses in the downturn and participate in the rally that followed.
A new perspective is emerging that I call the college cost-benefit calculus. It helps to put a college education and its enormous cost in perspective of a households overall financial situation.