WASHINGTON-Four of the nine open seats on the 24-person CUNA board are contested seats. The remaining five candidates running are uncontested. For District 1, which includes New England, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, there is a contested seat representing credit unions under 10,000 members. Thomas J. O'Neil, president and...
WASHINGTON-While CUNA's Project Differentiation got off to a slow start, the rate of completed statements of commitment has increased since it was transferred to the Advocacy and Governmental Affairs division. CUNA Grassroots Manager Gretchen Graf and others in the leagues are crediting leadership by example with the increase in statements....
ORLANDO,Fla.-America's federal credit unions are expanding service to underserved and low-income communities at an unprecedented pace, according to NCUA Acting Chairman Dennis Dollar. Appearing on a Web cast at the NAFCU Annual Convention, the Dollar said that in the first six-months of this year, there have been more than 4.9...
WASHINGTON-Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) filed a motion to proceed with the bankruptcy reform legislation (S. 420/H.R. 333) conference to iron out the differences between the House and Senate bills last week. This should make way for the naming of conferees any time now, but opponents have other plans. Senator Paul...
WASHINGTON-The American Bankers Association (ABA) sent a letter to each member of the Senate and House of Representatives slamming CUNA's Renaissance Commission report and subsequent letter to the Hill. According to the bankers, the Commission's report flies in the face of congressional intent and the ABA renewed its call for...
WASHINGTON-The Department of Justice (DOJ) submitted its brief for NCUA in the ABA's FOM appeal last week. CUNA, NAFCU, and State Employees Federal Credit Union, Albany, N.Y. filed a separate brief as co-defendants in the case. The ABA charged that NCUA overstepped the congressional bounds created in the Credit Union...
WASHINGTON-Speaking to CUNA's Examination and Supervision Subcommittee, acting NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar said that he would make the agency's budget process more open by holding a public hearing on the matter. Though not specifying a date, Dollar said the hearing would occur sometime in the fall. He said a hearing...
WASHINGTON-Being open and including every faction of the credit union community in the information gathering process of the Renaissance Commission was extremely important according to commissioners. In determining the next step for CUNA's board, self-determination for credit unions appears to be the theme. According to Renaissance Commissioner Rosie Holub, president...
ARLINGTON, Va.-Though NAFCU has always had a good working relationship with NCUA, according to NAFCU Director of Regulatory Affairs Gwen Baker, she admits that the current Republican-influenced trend toward less government interference in credit union activities this year is making her life easier. Baker certainly appreciates this, given Communications Manager...
ALEXANDRIA, Va.-Acting NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar announced June 29 that he intends to appoint Clifford R. Northup to the agency's director of Public and Congressional Affairs. The current director, Bob Loftus, plans to retire by July 27, after 20 years with the agency. Northup will serve as the primary contact...