ALEXANDRIA, Va.-NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar announced that the agency has scheduled an open Budget Briefing and Public Forum for NCUA's 2002 budget on November 1 at NCUA's Alexandria, Va. headquarters. The agency is inviting public comment at the hearing to be held in the agency boardroom from 2:00 to 4:30....
NORTH HIGHLANDS, Calif. - SAFE Credit Union President and CEO Henry Wirz knows first hand how important field of membership can be, even for a large CU. Wirz recently wrote CUNA to talk about this key topic in CUNA's Renaissance Commission report, and others. CUNA's Board is scheduled to vote...
ARLINGTON, Va.-NCUA Director of Examination and Insurance Dave Marquis provided credit unions with some insightful information about the risk-based examination scheduling and risk-based examination via a NAFCU-sponsored audio-conference. NCUA Exam Programs are Changing: Hear what the experts have to say! drew a crowd of more than 100 credit unions curious...
WASHINGTON-In a report last year, Credit Union Times uncovered that credit unions claiming NCUA as their primary regulatory agency had the lowest record among financial institutions for completing the narrative portion of the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR), which helps law enforcement track money laundering, identity theft, and other financial frauds....
WASHINGTON-The Dow Jones Industrial recorded record losses since it reopened the Monday following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Airline companies are being forced to lay off approximately 100,000 people due to decreased demand. Can the U.S. economy recover from this staggering blow? According to...
WASHINGTON-After the terrorist attacks on the United States, military troops are being called into action. For the financial institutions of the armed forces personnel, this means adhering to the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. The Act provides protections for individuals called into active duty immediately upon the date of...
WASHINGTON-President George W. Bush issued a new Executive Order aimed at freezing the assets of a number of known terrorists. Financial institutions have been directed to block the assets of those on Treasury's `Specially Designated Nationals' (SDN) list compiled by the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) and immediately contact...
WASHINGTON-The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has asked credit unions, banks, and others in the financial services industry to search their databases for information connected to the hijackers that toppled the World Trade Center (WTC), demolished a section of the Pentagon as well as crashed a plane in Stony Creek...
ARLINGTON, Va.-How many people with a master's degree in political science from George Washington University can say they have starred in a beer commercial and lectured to journalists and journalism professors on U.S. lobbying tactics? Been an elevator escort in the same year as he held the position of U.S....
WASHINGTON-Though credit unions, as well as the rest of America, try to bolster some semblance of business as usual, there are obvious voids. In addition to the missing twin towers in the New York skyline, credit union landmarks, like CUNA's Annual Symposium and NAFCU's Congressional Caucus, have also been decimated....