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Between 2013 and 2018, commercial insurers' per-person spending grew by an average of 3.2% per year.
One common sentiment: "The absolute biggest barrier to gaining mental-health treatment has been financial."
Although small group insurance rates had held relatively steady, enrollment dropped in 2020, likely due to the pandemic.
In particular, pandemic-related stress was driving high levels of disability claims for diseases of the digestive system.
The Great Resignation is hitting different industries differently; here's what's happening in manufacturing.
It's a gloomy state of affairs for businesses, both globally and in the U.S.
Company leaders may not have the right information to effectively shape benefits plans in a way that best serves employees.
In 2020, health insurance premiums and deductibles ate up 11.6% of Americans' incomes.
A new report posits that price regulation could curb the health care industry's appetite for mergers and acquisitions.
Employers are still in the middle of a changing benefits landscape, with more uncertainty to come.