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Despite individual cases of generic drug price increases, the overall trend of costs has continued to move downward.
Market forces, regulatory moves and technology are combining for explosive growth of digital health tools and platforms.
The consolidation of market share in health-related industries has happened largely under the radar.
California is one of the largest states creating an APCD, which allow the collection of more complete insurance claim data sets.
After years of efforts from insurers and providers, the results suggest that most patients are either not willing or not able to shop for health care.
While all three types of plans currently have healthy gross margins, one is doing substantially better than the others.
Researchers propose a new method of cost-sharing for high- and low-value health care procedures.
And that's not a good thing; under-investment in primary care results in more expensive care down the road.
In comparison, the average per-person spending among all enrollees in large-group health plans is just of $5,870,
Giving consumers more control over their health care data could open a Pandora's Box of unexpected and undesirable outcomes.