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Younger generations want more convenient and transparent care and are more likely to support providers that meet these demands.
The average annual health care spending for individuals with employer-sponsored plans reached an all-time high of $5,641 in 2017.
Six chronic conditions are responsible for 60 percent of emergency room visits--find out what they are.
The rate of Americans with insurance who still struggle to pay for medical care has been steadily increasing.
New research is adding to the debate about the role of mergers and acquisitions in hospital costs and health care costs overall.
When the ACA went into effect, it supplemented the existing employer-based system but did not, as many feared, replace it.
The proposed Health Information Property Act would also require companies to get a patient's permission before selling their de-identified medical data.
Several recent studies underline how companies are struggling to address this problem effectively and fairly.
When you actually get into the details, Americans' support for--and understanding of--Medicare for All is not so clear-cut.
HR departments will face a broad range of challenges and disruptions in the coming years. Here's how to prepare.