Only a handful of credit unions are involved with member business lending, but for those that make MBLs, and for their members, it's an opportunity to receive funding from loans they wouldn't be able to receive elsewhere. Read about how some CUs are participating in MBLs and other mortgage news...
RALEIGH, N.C. - GE Mortgage Insurance, a unit of GE Capital Mortgage Corp., a subsidiary of GE Capital is touting that its new "Homebuyer PrivilegesT" provides qualified borrowers through participating lenders with access to savings that could total $750 to $1,500 on home-related products and services provided by GE businesses...
* Main office in Manhattan Beach, Calif. * Total of 28 branches located in California, Virginia, and Maryland; * Chartered in 1940 as Hughes Aircraft Employees FCU; * Originally served the employees of Hughes Aircraft Company, with company founder and multi-millionaire Howard Hughes saying, "Sure, start the credit union. Just...
TORONTO - CUNA Mutual Group's Discovery Conference is a relatively young conference, this year being only the sixth edition. "Attendance for this conference doubled in 1999 and then doubled again this year," said Wayne Benson, chief officer of sales and marketing for CUNA Mutual Group. This year's Discovery attracted about...
ALEXANDRIA, Va.-Though the trend seems to be greatly slowing, NCUA approved two federal to state charter conversions in May. The two credit unions, OmniAmerican and Fort Worth Community both of Fort Worth, Texas, brought with them more than $1 billion in aggregate assets. Additionally, 32 expansions into underserved areas were...
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - CU Realty, an online real estate solution for credit union members, has added a number of new features to its site, The site is designed to assist homeowners, buyers and sellers connect and simplify their transactions. The enhanced site features include the following: * A market...
PHILADELPHIA - After unanimously passing a bill in April that placed tough restrictions on subprime loans, the Pennsylvania state legislature did an about-face and passed a bill overturning Philadelphia's anti-predatory lending regulation. Specifically, the new law-H.B. 1703-pertains to loans with rates 4.5 percentage points above Treasury securities of comparable maturity....
WASHINGTON - The National Association of Realtors and its members are still pushing for additional congressional hearings to be held on a controversial rule proposed by the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury that would allow banks to offer real estate brokerage services. NAR and individual realtors began lobbying Congress in...
FARMERS BRANCH, Texas - First it was called the Texas Credit Union League, then it wasn't, then it was again. What the Texas Credit Union League will be called after its next name change is approved is anyone's guess. The league, at the directive of the board of directors, is...
WASHINGTON-In a letters to three separate lawmakers last week, NAFCU extolled the virtues of H.R. 1590, the Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA) Rollover bill. NAFCU points out that the bill not only helps consumers but also employers and financial institutions. Many employees set money aside in FSAs for medical emergencies, but,...