Traditionally we think of the key assets of a business as the capital assets (such as the factory and equipment), or the operational assets (such as their inventory). But if youre any kind of firm where human capital is the key driver, the term key asset has a different meaning.
Advisors sometimes ask me what defines a key employee. Now that Charlie Sheen quotes are pass, its not enough to respond that a key employee is one who is winning. We need to offer more meat to the definition.
Seriously, less than a third of individuals own individual life insurance? Only a little more than half have life insurance from any source? This is financial madness.
Prognostication with taxes is always dangerous, but Id like to suggest four items businesses should consider in planning for taxes this yearparticularly as they apply to benefit planning.
We need a new name for the compensation paid to key talent in a business. Executive benefits is often equated with C-Suite perks in public companies, not with the incentives used in American businesses to encourage top performers to perform to their highest potential.
When Im asked to help with an employee benefit design, one of my first questions concerns the employers tax structure. Unfortunately, sometimes the response is, Who cares?