California's Franklin Templeton found that 51 percent of Americans polled concluded that stock investments were risky, prompting conservative investments.
When asked about the impact of their employee benefits, 75% of respondents said their company offerings have significantly increased employee retention, as compared to 25% who the offerings have had some impact.
The number of alternative investment strategies used among four popular types of products more than doubled between 2007 and 2011, according to a new report.
Americans, living longer, are "resetting their retirement clock," according to retirement expert Ken Dyctwald. Nearly half want to cycle between work and leisure.
Ameriprise Financial's research shows less than half of Boomers surveyed felt optimistic about their country's financial futre, down from two-thirds in a 2007 study.
An American College survey suggests that millions of small business owners are underprepared for retirement, with three quarters having no retirement plan at all.