These numbers are based on a survey of small businesses (96 percent of whom have fewer than 100 employees), conducted by the National Small Business Association.
Costly regulations, which the Congressional Budget Office reports as now exceeding $2 trillion a year, with approximately $200 billion more being added each year, have impacts on jobs, on small businesses, and on the ability to compete around the world.
Paperwork has always been a burden for businesses of all sizes, especially paperwork that is required by various government agencies in response to regulatory requirements. However, while large companies often have well-staffed departments that specialize in the various paperwork requirements imposed on businesses by government agencies, small businesses often find...
Employees who work at small, locally-owned businesses have the highest level of loyalty to their employees, according to researchers at Baylor University. In addition, for rural workers, size and ownership of their company figure even more into their commitment than does job satisfaction.
Nearly three quarters (73 percent) of U.S. companies expect an increase in their demand for "middle skills" jobs over the next few years and more than half (56 percent) are struggling to find people with the qualifications to fill existing vacancies.
Small businesses are concerned about cyber crime for two reasons. First, their own businesses can be compromised by such events, possibly leading to financial losses and even temporary business shutdowns. Second, private information on their customers can be compromised, which can lead to, at worst, lawsuits by those customers, and,...
Cyber crime is a major concern of small business. Without the internal resources to mitigate threats and the legal protection to pursue data and financial reconciliation, small businesses can be crippled by cyber security exploits.
It's no secret that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly known as just the Affordable Care Act (ACA), caused a lot of confusion for all concerned. One area of particular confusion for small businesses is the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).