While rising costs are concerning, there’s good news -- 84% of employers’ health plan spend is tied to areas can be managed strategically to reduce costs without compromising care.
Medicare Part D spending for 10 selected diabetes drugs surged from $7.7 billion in 2019 to $35.8 billion in 2023, an audit by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General found.
The federal 340B drug pricing program is failing to meet the needs of the vulnerable patients the program was intended to serve, while raising health care costs for employers and families, according to a new white paper.
After turning over more than 1,300 documents to the Federal Trade Commission, the fast food giant is turning its attention to subpoenas from pharmacy benefit managers the agency accuses of artificially inflating insulin prices.
"When managers prioritize employee wellbeing, they could see improved employee morale, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and lower turnover rates," says Joan Woodward, Executive Vice President of Public Policy for Travelers and President of the Travelers Institute.
By adopting innovative approaches and prioritizing flexibility, organizations can create sustainable benefits strategies that support both their workforce and their long-term goals.
Proposed legislation could make California one of only a handful of states that require insurers to disclose denial rates and reasoning, which the industry often considers proprietary information.