With student loan payments resuming Oct. 1, many employers are stepping up to provide guidance and counselor tools or offer one-on-one financial coaching sessions – or even student loan matching for 401(k) plans.
A newer digital health model is bridging the gap between 100% virtual programs and on-call doctors by utilizing dedicated care teams who work one-on-one with individuals on an ongoing basis via chat, phone or video.
With SECURE 2.0 signed into law, featuring new auto-enrollment requirements, retirement advisors can help prepare payroll systems for the new regulations, otherwise employers will face the possibility of fines.
Employers should consider re-examining their financial wellness offerings because access to a 401(k) and a 401(k) matching program are the most important benefits to employees, says a survey.
The new legislation is a win-win for workers and small businesses, offering access to expanded retirement plan benefits for employees and helping to level the playing field for small businesses competing to retain top talent.