The Broker Innovation Lab celebrates brokers and other benefits stakeholders who have embraced the changing marketplace to position themselves and their business for future success.
In this episode, Jessica Waltman, Vice President of Compliance at MZQ Consulting, LLC, a concierge compliance firm, discusses the crucial employer considerations for providing abortion benefits to employees. She also stresses the importance of understanding state laws.
Join Eric and Ed for a discussion about what happens when one side of a partnership doesn't follow the 'recipe' for success and why everyone needs to agree to a plan and stick to it, to create a successful outcome.
This week's episode features Kelly Fristoe, the newly elected president of the National Association of Health Underwriters, who discusses recent developments and important changes they're implementing to better serve their members in this rapidly evolving industry.
Since 2016, we have featured over 200 women, started a Wonder Woman Mastermind, spoken on panels, delivered keynotes and made connections with each other virtually as well as in person at industry events. Here's to the next six years of inspiration from our female industry leaders.
The meat of our talk hones in on how the enrollment process and technology is changing over time, where we think it's going in the future, and how "voluntary" is increasingly an important part of the cost containment strategy.
We are seeing significant value in virtual options as brokers and providers tailor their messaging to specific clients' needs – and give a more in-depth look as to how plan options can benefit their employees.
Join Eric and Ed for a discussion about the differences between company perks and company culture and why companies need to find a balance between the two.
In this episode, Lou talks about having to self-reflect on the change he wanted to make as he left the GA world and lifted the cover on the issues with current insurance industry practices and "hidden profit centers".