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With 401(k) litigation increasing, plan advisors and plan sponsors need to know the latest laws as well as strategies attorneys are using to sue employers and advisors. BenefitsPRO's legal coverage includes news, analysis and updates on cases.
An amendment to CCPA that protects retirement plans from the privacy law will sunset at year's end. Then what?
To rely on the order, they must meet the following conditions.
Each state is taking its own approach to Covid-19 health insurance regulation. Here's a directory.
Large institutional investors have further validated the litigation finance market by committing capital to litigation funds.
No comment on extension of Form CRS, Reg BI deadline.
States are taking the threat of a coronavirus outbreak seriously, and some are acting swiftly and decisively to stop the virus in its tracks.
Technology will be a B-D's 'friend' in complying with Reg BI by July 1 to satisty Care Obligation, rollover recommendation rules.
However, the court said the Equal Pay Act "does not prevent employers from considering prior pay for other purposes."
Nondiscrimination testing is a necessary function of providing a cafeteria plan, and is required to be performed annually.
Of course you knew there'd be taxes.