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With 401(k) litigation increasing, plan advisors and plan sponsors need to know the latest laws as well as strategies attorneys are using to sue employers and advisors. BenefitsPRO's legal coverage includes news, analysis and updates on cases.
The discovery of social media accounts would be valuable in the hands of malicious hackers or peddlers of misinformation.
The most expensive 401(k) and other retirement plan settlements included millions paid for this landmark excessive fee case.
Will scandals lead to change?
As benefit professionals, we have both an obligation and an opportunity to help employees protect their identities.
Scammers target veterans and military retirees, preying on their assets.
Lead attorney for plaintiffs in the MIT plan also warned about the practice of cross-selling and stressed importance of RFP process.
Here's your retirement plan cheat sheet for contribution limits to 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions, and more.
Disclosure may require "more detail" than Form ADV requires, the SEC said.
The incidents shared by advisor consultant Sonya Dreizler affected 40 women, most — but not all — of whom wish to remain anonymous.
No matter your company's size or your role in it, cybersecurity should be on your radar.