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With 401(k) litigation increasing, plan advisors and plan sponsors need to know the latest laws as well as strategies attorneys are using to sue employers and advisors. BenefitsPRO's legal coverage includes news, analysis and updates on cases.
A senator questioned the Labor secretary nominee about his thoughts on retirement advice and how he sees his role in crafting a rule.
Take a look at a rundown of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates and where they stand on Medicare for All.
A favorable ruling would not create a uniform fiduciary standard, but would revert B-Ds back to suitability standard.
States including Connecticut, Oregon, and 6 others argue that it fails to institute a uniform fiduciary standard.
The owner of a business was found to have violated the ADA by failing to make its website accessible to the blind.
The Supreme Court sets the stage for a game-changing 2019 term for employers.
But they can't insulate from fiduciary obligations, and must be carefully crafted
1984 precedent in Amaro case "is no longer good law"
New 'harmonization' efforts might include 3 areas of guidance relating to employer-sponsored retirement plans.
No, the client isn't always right. Worse, the client may not even realize he's not right. That could be a real problem.