With 401(k) litigation increasing, plan advisors and plan sponsors need to know the latest laws as well as strategies attorneys are using to sue employers and advisors. BenefitsPRO's legal coverage includes news, analysis and updates on cases.
In the real world of the DOL fiduciary rule, there's not one Best Interest Contract Exemption, but four, according to attorney Marcia Wagners interpretation of the rule.
Proposed Social Security legislation sponsored by five Republicans and one Democrat would increase the current payroll cap on Social Security taxes and raise the retirement age.
Participants in the cosmetics giant's retirement plans say the purchase of Avon stock should have been halted while the company was being investigated.
The lawsuit by the National Association for Fixed Annuities challenges the DOL fiduciary rule on six counts but the key question is whether the rule creates a new private right of action.
The Securities and Exchange Commission issued a risk alert regarding its Share Class Initiative, which seeks to identify conflicts of interest in registered investment advisor recommendations.