More plan sponsors are prioritizing retirement income and considering managed accounts as an opt-in option in 401(k)s, according to T. Rowe Price's 4th annual consultant study.
Currently, about 60% of employers either agree or strongly agree that their employees are highly engaged, which represents a 3% rise over the last three years.
In the last year, Lockheed Martin, AT&T, Alcoa and GE have been sued by employees in class action lawsuits over the PRT deals made with Athene, alleging the firm "breached their fiduciary duty," says law firm Schlichter Bogard.
"Defendant Regent made the calculated decision, in consultation with its lawyers, that it could save money because of an alleged loophole in the WARN Act; namely, that it supposedly did not apply to fully or partially remote workers. However, that is not correct," the suit claims.
Plan sponsors and employers are searching for advisors and consultants who are highly knowledgeable about SECURE 2.0 provisions, according to a new UBS survey.