The massive Saving on a Valuable Education student loan plan will remain on hold, after President Biden had asked the high court to bypass lawsuit challenges that are making their way through the lower courts.
Health care costs are projected to increase 8% in 2024, as pharmacy design is at the forefront of plan changes, according to Aon's 2024 U.S. Health Survey.
Employees overwhelmingly are using their LSAs to take care of their physical and mental health and wellbeing, demonstrating how effective these accounts are in providing a guilt-free avenue for employees to take care of themselves.
Recently, numerous class action 401(k) lawsuits have been filed by participants over misuse of forfeited assets from former employees, including Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Nordstrom.
"As the largest employer in the world, Amazon makes clear that it does not believe the law applies to it and that they are free to treat their employees how they see fit. The law does not support this belief," the plaintiff said in a court filing.
In July, a judge put the Department of Labor's new Retirement Security Rule, which was set to go into effect September 23, on hold, where it seems likely to remain until after the presidential election.