A team of investigators found that health plans corrected or removed just 38% of the inaccurate entries within about a year, instead of 90 days required by federal law.
The DOL has “shared information with class action law firms to give them a leg up in federal litigation,” House Committee Chair Rep. Virginia Foxx wrote to the DOL’s Inspector General.
How can benefits advisors help businesses differentiate themselves as a resource to help employees pursue various personal financial challenges and goals, no matter the macro environment?
There are proactive steps employers can take to address student loan issues, such as providing better information on loan forgiveness eligibility and creating incentives like matching contributions, according to MissionSquare.
There’s a push by Congress to pass a bill to allow CITs – tax-exempt, pooled investment vehicles similar to mutual funds – in 403(b) plans, but investor advocacy groups oppose the bill. But now, the American Retirement Association is strongly advocating for its passage.