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Callan asked managers how they currently are navigating the pandemic. The changes are broad, and some may be permanent.
Nearly seven million dependents were also affected by the loss of employer-sponsored insurance.
The average single deductible stands at $1,644, similar to last year's $1,655 but up sharply from the $917 average of a decade ago.
Health Savings Accounts can be part of a comprehensive financial strategy.
By deploying existing approaches to improve health, the U.S. could reduce its disease burden by as much as one-third by 2040.
Common risks provide opportunities for educating clients and participants.
Subsidies for coverage obtained through the ACA marketplaces will account for just 5% of that total.
Maybe one aspect of financial advice didn't fall on deaf ears.
Because of COVID, however, it's possible that 2020 will be the first time that the national health care expenditure will be lower than the preceding year.
The plan addresses universal coverage, affordability the patient experience and creating better health outcomes.