For the most successful mentoring program, an employer should implement a formal process, which ensures accountability, says Jason Carney, director of human resources at WorkSmart Systems Inc..
With major health care reform changes planned for 2014, many employees are unaware of how this new marketplace will affect them, and its important that employers get in front of the necessary communication now, says Jackie Cuthbert, principal at Mercer, a human resources consulting firm in New York City.
Supplemental insurance provider Aflac now offers its Real Cost Calculator, an online tool that helps consumers realize the costs connected with common illnesses and injuries, such as cancer, heart attack and fractured limbs.
With expanded health insurance and Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, drug coverages also will increase, and unnecessary regulations will add to prescription drug costs, according to a new study from the National Center for Policy Analysis.
Almost 80 percent of cancer patients and survivors report that they want to keep working, though nearly as many respondents have trouble finding a work-life balance.
Vermont saw a 1.4 percent drop in industrial employment over the past year after losing 634 jobs, according to the 2013 Vermont Manufacturers Register, an industrial directory published annually by Manufacturers News Inc. in Evanston, Ill.