Building in flexibility and offering a range of features, such as adding a financial advisor, are recommended at a time when there is so much competition for workers, says a new report.
For 2023, 52% of plan sponsors say providing financial wellness tools will be a top priority, since nonprofits are placing a greater emphasis on financial education, says a new report.
Retirement savings plans could see a significant upgrade if this pending legislation becomes law before the end of the year, giving small businesses more ability to offer plans and opening up opportunities to gig workers.
Defined benefit retirement plans have successfully implemented real estate investments for almost 50 years and there is increase interest and adoption in DC plans, according to a J.P. Morgan study.
Data suggests that companies based in rural areas who do offer paid medical leave might have a significant advantage in attracting and retaining workers.
Health insurance coverage has changed significantly over that time due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the changing role of women in the workforce.
Offering a retirement plan can lead to an annual cost savings of more than $100,000 in reduced employee turnover costs alone for SMBs – a 2x return on the initial costs of offering a 401(k), says a new study.