The Mayo Clinic is experimenting with an intriguing new way of delivering health care to employees via a kiosk that connects the patient to a physician by video conference, over a secure, online link.
Workplace holiday stress can range from things like the minor, but true, example above to major bouts of depression and anxiety as workers juggle end-of-year duties with family responsibilities and issues.
Whats in the crystal ball for HR professionals in 2015? The new year will have its share of surprises, but industry experts have identified several areas that will get a lot of attention from HR departments.
The Mayo Clinic is experimenting with an intriguing new way of delivering health care to employees via a kiosk that connects the patient to a physician by video conference, over a secure, online link.
Introduction of the PPACA mandates stirred up significant market share changes among carriers offering individual plans, with lower-price plans seeing a surge in enrollment.