There's a whole new set of systems, standards and hardware being used by more CU processors. Here's a look at some of them. * OFX - A uniform spec for exchanging financial data between financial institutions, consumers and other organizations over the Web. It was first created back in 1997...
SALEM, Ore. - A bill that updates the Oregon Credit Union Act by removing the $100,000 limit on CU member business loans and sets a cap to match the federal limitations, was signed into law by Gov. John Kitzhaber. H.B. 2775 received bi-partisan support from Republicans and Democrats in the...
WASHINGTON - Bradford Caldwell, executive director for the Campus Credit Union Council has been elected to the board of directors of The North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO). Based in Ann Arbor, Mich., NASCO represents student cooperative organizations in the U.S. and Canada. During the recent meeting of the board...
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif. - Credit union consulting firm Counter Intelligence Associates (CIA) and NAFCU plan to team up once again to produce a live conference "Webcast" from NAFCU's 34th Annual NAFCU Conference and Exhibition. The conference and Webcast will be held from July 11 to July 14, 2001 in...
Dearborn Federal Credit Union, Dearborn, Mich., has named James Badge president of its Dearborn Financial Services investment and insurance services division. FORUM Credit Union, Indianapolis, has named Doug Sharkey assistant vice president of lending administration and Patrick Spencer business services manager. Seven Seventeen Credit Union, Warren, Ohio, has named Eric...
HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania's Department of Banking has become the 25th state regulatory agency to be accredited by NASCUS. For the agency, the accreditation status means the NASCUS Accreditation Review Team, Accreditation Audit Working Group and the Performance Standards Committee concluded that the Pennsylvania Department of Banking exceeds all the...
MONTPELIER, Vt. - Credit unions are spending more money and time than ever in creating a retail environment in their branches, so why do they throw that mentality out the window when it comes to their Web sites. That's what Rob Smart, executive vice president of new business for Web...
ALEXANDRIA, Va.-NCUA steamed ahead in April continuing with select employee group (SEG) additions for multiple common bond credit unions. The regional directors approved 1,252 SEG expansions in April. Community charter conversions are becoming increasingly popular with seven approved in April for a total of 1,604,263 potential members. One community expansion...
DENVER - The Colorado State Financial Services Board plans to hold a public hearing July 13 to consider the final adoption of regulations of the Colorado Division of Financial Services pertaining to credit union mergers. If the proposed rule is adopted, it will require credit unions interested in merging to...
SAN ANTONIO - It started out four years ago with the best of intentions to provide staffing services to credit unions in the area, but on June 30 the San Antonio branch of Credit Union Employment Resources (CUER) will close its doors for business. Carmela McDermott, assistant vice president for...