75 percent of households own an IRA and also have a retirement plan with their employer. 31 percent of households have a retirement plan through their employer, but no IRA. 49 percent of people without IRAs know they can contribute to
Please forgive me, but I am just a simple sales guy with an economics and philosophy degree that is more than a decade old. Furthermore, it can be easily documented that those formative years were spent less on educational growth and more on brain
Family/relationship issues - 30 percent Work stress/workload - 20 percent Financial, legal or personal issues - 15 percent Lack of physical energy/well being - 12 percent Boredom/lack of motivation - 5 percent Source: Com
Continuing education requirements are a fact of life for most financial professionals. The vast majority dutifully complete their courses, take their exams and do a better job for their clients as a result. However, a few opt to game the system by
19 percent of employers plan to offer more comprehensive or better benefits in 2008. More than half of workers surveyed said career advancement was more important than salary. 10 percent of employers will offer more special benefits i
There is much hullabaloo about the advantages of what is known as a single payer system in America today, especially in light of the election and the excitement during the Texas primaries. But just how much does the average American know about such
The Rand Corporation and the federal government just dropped a bomb on the financial industry. Their new 228-page Report was released recently. It's titled: Investor ...