The Broker Innovation Lab celebrates brokers and other benefits stakeholders who have embraced the changing marketplace to position themselves and their business for future success.
Elaine Horton, a partner at EBC Austin, Texas, discusses the system's flaws and how they are being addressed, beginning with eliminating expenses and defining the function of brokers in the system.
Join Eric and Ed for a discussion about why, when researching products and services online, you hear negative reviews much more often than positive reviews.…
When armed with medical data and new technologies, insurance innovators can transform the member experience. Claims integration is the next step in that journey. Here's why.
Benefits consultants deliver enormous value to employers, but that could be threatened by growing employee dissatisfaction with an overly complicated health care billing system.
This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features rockstar, Jawad Arshad, Founder and CEO of WOW Health Solutions, out of the Detroit metropolitan…
Women in our industry are stepping out of their comfort zones time and time again and being open to new opportunities that come their way. So maybe that's the focus for enrollment season this year: be open.
By looking at industry trends, benchmark data and demographic surveys, employers and consultants can identify patterns and find out what employee populations are looking for.