Despite the public-relation challenges that have plagued the Colorado exchange, Connect for Health Colorado spokesman Ben Davis remains optimistic about the state of the exchange and what it's done for health care in Colorado.
Despite the public-relation challenges that have plagued the Colorado exchange, Connect for Health Colorado has done a lot for health care in Colorado.
Historically, the only employer groups interested in self-funding their health insurance policies were the ones that could absorb the costs of a catastrophic health eventin other words, companies with Fortune 500-level bottom lines.
Some health care experts believe reference pricing, the strategy used to help the California Public Employees Retirement System save about 30 percent of their costs, is a potential solution to the out-of-control health care spending in the U.S.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act opened up the possibility of buying health insurance to millions of Americans who, for whatever reason, were uninsured beforeto the tune of 8 million enrollees in PPACA health exchange plans as of early May.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act opened up the possibility of buying health insurance to millions of Americans who, for whatever reason, were uninsured before.
When President Obama signed another ICD-10 implementation delay into law on April 1, you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief from health care professionals.