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With 401(k) litigation increasing, plan advisors and plan sponsors need to know the latest laws as well as strategies attorneys are using to sue employers and advisors. BenefitsPRO's legal coverage includes news, analysis and updates on cases.
The DOL will continue a non-enforcement policy with the fiduciary rule. Confused yet?
If you offer advice in exchange for brokerage commissions, 12b-1 fees, or revenue sharing, it's best you don't read this.
The day the rule died: The 5th Circuit's decision to vacate the fiduciary rule will take effect on May 7, barring any long-shot last-ditch efforts.
The SEC has released FAQs for self-reporting of conflicted fund recommendations.
In a press call, AARP reps noted the 'clear' circuit split over the fiduciary rule.
Like the outcome of RICO, expect the NY State Investor Protection Bureau to get a few trophies. But bad behavior won't stop.
Kitces calls SEC proposal a red herring.
One of the five commissioners claims the SEC 'squandered' an opportunity to act in the best interest of investors.
For some organizations, the warning signs a retirement plan – and its plan sponsor -- are in trouble are pretty obvious.
Reverse churning or compliance with fiduciary rule?