Obesity's complicated, as the disease is associated with multiple chronic conditions, but a new generation of weight loss drugs has shifted the treatment landscape, creating both a challenge and an opportunity for employers.
The hiring spree is in anticipation of more lawsuits, on the heels of one filed in Louisiana last month by six vaccine-injured plaintiffs against the federal government, which aims to overturn the legal immunity that Big Pharma now has.
The uncertainties over the past few years have clearly affected workplace savers, who are now less sure about when retirement will come, what it will look like and how they should prepare for it, according to a new survey.
"Learning and development leaders should strive to be "L&D mixologists" and find the right mix of learning experiences to achieve their learning and development goals," says Jeremy Walsh.
A bipartisan bill introduced in the Senate on Wednesday removes barriers that have discouraged companies from offering employer-sponsored retirement plans to Americans under 21 by lowering the participation age to 18.